A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

Here are the instructions for Windows / Mac. Scroll down to find the download files.

For Mac:

1.     GET OFF VPN, Chime should still work

2.     Download “MacBuild.app.zip”

3.     If Chrome says it’s dangerous, click on the small arrow next to the download and select “Keep”

4.     Unzip MacBuild.app.zip

5.     Navigate to where it was unzipped, for me, this is ~/Downloads

6.     Hold CONTROL and click on the “Macbuild” item and select ‘Open’ (this is very important because IT security policies block it otherwise)

7.     Select “Open” and the app should launch


For Windows:

1.     GET OFF VPN (Chime should still work)

2.     Download “WindowsBuild.zip”

3.     Unzip it

4.     Launch “wavelength.exe”

5.     Enjoy


WindowsBuild.zip 18 MB
MacBuild.app.zip 20 MB
InstallationInstructions.pdf 133 kB